Electronic versions of most filings submitted after November 13, 2017, are available through the docket for the particular case. Older briefs can be obtained through the following outside sources.
LexisNexis –
Briefs, Pleadings and Motions
U. S. Supreme Court Briefs
Earliest brief dated August 12, 1936 through current. Includes merit briefs for cases granted certiorari and special masters, amicus curiae briefs, and joint appendices beginning in January 1979, with selected coverage from 1936.
All briefs are available for cases granted certiorari beginning after the 1993-1994 term; also includes briefs petitioning for certiorari in civil cases (other than habeas cases) from the 1999-2000 term through current.
For civil cases where certiorari is denied, briefs are provided for cases on the paid docket but are not provided for cases on the In Forma Pauperis docket. No cert-stage briefs are provided for habeas cases or for criminal cases that are summarily decided or where certiorari is denied.
Westlaw –
U.S. Supreme Court Briefs, Petitions & Joint Appendices
- Merits and amicus briefs filed with the Supreme Court of the United States for cases in which certiorari has been granted or probable jurisdiction has been noted and for which oral arguments have been scheduled.
- Comprehensive coverage from 1931 to present
- Selected coverage from 1870-1930
- Petitions for writ of certiorari and related documents, such as briefs in opposition and support of the petitions, filed with the court before certiorari has been granted or denied.
- Comprehensive coverage from 1985 to the present
- Selected coverage from 1877 to 1984
- Inclusions: selected joint appendices. The joint appendix includes the relevant docket entries; any relevant pleadings, jury instructions, findings, conclusions, or opinions, the judgment, order, or decision under review; and any other parts of the record that the parties wish to bring to the Court’s attention. Coverage from 1982-present.